Trip report


Swim/Sunbathe DATE: 08/01/2020 - 08/01/2020

Trip/Event Location: Thornton, NH

Trip Leader(s): Gandalf , JDNnh

Max # People: 10

Trip Guiding / Event Fee: No, I will not be asking participants for money

Difficulty Level: Easy

Join us at our private beach along the Mad River with a small group of friends for a day of camaraderie, swimming and sunbathing!

We are heading to the Mad River Lodge in Thornton, NH. From the

Driving directions to the location and spot to meet at:

Many people today seem to have some kind of GPS device or use an online maps and directions service: the address is 676 Upper Mad River Road, Thornton, NH. In a nutshell... 

Take I-93 and use Exit 28. At the end of the ramp take right onto Rte 49 East for 3.5 miles and take a left on Burbank Hill Road.

During this 3.5 miles, you'll pass a traffic light where there is a dam on your right, then pass a White Mountain National Forest campground and then the Irish Pub on your left. About a mile after the restaurant, you'll see Burbank Hill Road on the left (Goose Hollow Campground sign). If you cross the Mad River on the bridge, you just missed the left turn.

Take a left onto steep Burbank Hill Road and you’ll quickly reach the top of the hill where you take your first right onto Upper Mad River Road (Hiking Sign). The road will soon turn into gravel, you'll pass two apartments on your right and then a house. Our property begins right after this house and after about 200 yards you’ll see a mailbox with "676" which is our house. The house is not very visible from the road.


Trip Report/Photos
Featured Photo

If you missed it, then you missed the camaraderie and magic of a great Mad River Beach Day in New Hampshire’s White Mountains on August 1st! Could not have asked for anything better on a warm summer day in the White Mts then sitting and wading in the Mad River with GO friends!

I think having this a men’s only event makes for a better time.

Everyone attending came from New Hampshire with the exception of Joe, from Schenectady, New York, who earned the furtherst distance award! Joe, John, Brian and Mark arrived at 1PM to enjoy the surroundings of the White Mountains, meet new and familiar faces, and spend the day soaking/sunbathing in the Mad River. Mad River Lodge is FABULOUS! From the views extending for miles from the lodge, to the bunk rooms, to bordering the Mad River, the Lodge was perfect for GayOutdoors members. Jon and I gave a warm greeting as everyone arrived and got Joe and John settled into their bunk room.   

Afterwards Jon and I took everyone down for a short hike to the Mad River. It’s a steep descent but everyone managed well, except for me of feet slipped on some mud but I quickly recovered!

The river was crystal clear, water level low, with a minor river current. Joe slipped on the river crossing but it was nothing major, and we all safely made it across. We got our beach chairs setup and got ourselves settled for a relaxing day along the Mad River!

Brian and Joe were the first in. The water temperature was warm and it felt like lake water. We could soak without the need of getting quickly out.  Brian and Jon explored the small cascades looking for the perfect back message. Brian took a ride down the river with his tube a couple times and it was remarkable how well he floated despite the water level being so low. We spent the afternoon soaking, wading, sunbathing and got caught up on what we've all been up to this summer. We had never met Joe before and it was a real pleasure chatting with him and learning about his history. Jon was crawling up the river when the river current pulled his swim trunks down and he was au naturel for a few minutes! Too funny!!!

Around 4:30PM we made our way back up the house and found Joe, Thad and Rick waiting for us on the deck. The view of the Sandwich Mountain Range from the deck was spectacular as you can tell from the photos. 

After hanging out on the deck for bit, Jon went into the kitchen to work on preparing a delicious meal! Joe and Thad were not planning on staying for the BBQ but we certainly were happy they found some time to stop in and socialize.

We were treated grilled Italian marinated chicken with some of Jon’s special spices, summer mashed potatoes, grilled Brussel Sprouts, and a fresh garden salad. Jon once again shared his culinary skills that so many people have enjoyed over the years at the Mad River Lodge. 

Rick asked if anyone wanted a cannabis gummy bear. I’m not sure who took him up on his offer but Jon did and he became the life of the party! He was funny, chatty and entertaining.  

After the BBQ, while we were sitting on the deck Brian shared with us that around 8:37 the International Space Station was going to fly above the house. And sure enough, there it was. Not only did we see the space station, we saw the SpaceX Dragon spaceship flying behind it that had just undocked after picking up some astronauts to return them back to earth.  How cool is that? A once in a lifetime moment. I got a picture of this in one of the photos.  

I got some fireworks ready for later tonight and of course, one was called “Size Doesn’t Matter”. Perfect! Around 9PM Jon lit our burning man bonfire. It was almost a full moon that added to the magic of this entire evening! The fire was super hot so we all had to step far back to enjoy it. About a half hour later, Brian and John helped Mike light off some spectacular fireworks! After the fireworks, Brian and Mark headed back home. During the evening, Jon kept the fire going by placing wood pallets into it. A warm fire, a full moon, hundreds of stars above us and the company of friends made for a perfect evening! 

Sunday morning Joe, John and Rick left after breakfast seeking new adventures! This was a fun weekend with an amenable group of GO members. 

For over 20 years, Gay Outdoors has been dedicated to helping gay, bisexual and straight outdoorzy men meet each other online to participate in outdoor activities run by volunteers who post them in our activities calendar, find the latest news of interest to the gay outdoors community, learn about where to go, what gear to buy and how to get started in outdoor activities. It all leads to a safe, healthy and positive lifestyle!

Thanks to all of us that signed up and participated! We had a fun and relaxing time. We hope to see you on our other trips real soon!

Mike and Jon


Joe Comments Below:

Had an amazing time with Mike/Jon and all the other members.  Could not have asked for anything better on a warm summer day in the White Mts then sitting and wading in the Mad River while talking and enjoying the sun.The bunkbed was really comfortable and Jon is an amazing cook, so humorous and now a friend of mine.  Mike your hospitality and entertainmen could not have gotten any better. Who does a bombfire and fantastic fireworks.  The view from your deck of the moon rising with Jupiter and Saturn was amazing.  Viewing the ISS and the Dragon scoot across the sky was unbelievable. 

What Members Are Saying About This Trip/Event

  • Nice photos. Looks like a large ghostly face in the upper right hand corner of photo #32. Two eyes and nose. Or is it just my freakish imagination. :-) - sedonahikerman
  • What a wonder weekend. Thank you, Mike, for opening your home for a day at the Mad River. Weather was perfect and company couldn't have been better. And thank you, Jon, for gracing us with your culinary skills and taking such good care of us. Love you both! John - NHGuy1028
  • There are times when a great day becomes truly EPIC. The perfect weather, refreshing swim, banter, laughs, great food, celestial antics (full moon & space station over us) bone fire and fireworks created a super mojo with old friends and a new one (Joe)! Love u guys! - JDNnh

Members That Participated


Outdoor Fitness Level: Very Strenuous

Thornton, NH

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Very Strenuous

Thornton, NH

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Manchester, NH

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Plymouth, NH

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate

Plymouth, NH

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate

Merrimack, NH

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Gilmanton IW, NH

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Gilmanton IW, NH

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Schenectady, NY

United States
sedonahikerman Aug 12, 2020 at 2:37 PM

Comment: Nice photos. Looks like a large ghostly face in the upper right hand corner of photo #32. Two eyes and nose. Or is it just my freakish imagination. :-)

NHGuy1028 Aug 5, 2020 at 8:53 PM

Comment: What a wonder weekend. Thank you, Mike, for opening your home for a day at the Mad River. Weather was perfect and company couldn't have been better. And thank you, Jon, for gracing us with your culinary skills and taking such good care of us. Love you both! John

JDNnh Aug 4, 2020 at 4:07 PM

Comment: There are times when a great day becomes truly EPIC. The perfect weather, refreshing swim, banter, laughs, great food, celestial antics (full moon & space station over us) bone fire and fireworks created a super mojo with old friends and a new one (Joe)! Love u guys!

GayOutdoors has a 25 year legacy of being the premier outdoor network for gay and gay friendly men in New England with a national reach. We are transforming lives, building a community and promoting visibility through outdoor recreation for gay and gay friendly men. We invite you to join us on our events, to post events for other members to join you and to share your adventure photos, stories and advice.