about us

How Go Works

New to the GOers?

GO is a neat and fun club of free outdoor trips/events, and it relies on everyone's participation. GO is here to help you GO Outdoors and Make New Outdoorzy Buddies. All it takes is a little participation, and you'll be amazed as to what happens. Give it a try! Join a trip that interests you. Start with an easier one at first. And consider posting trips for others to join in on.

We've got a step-by-step walk through on the ways we make adventure memories.

Learn how to sign-up for a trip, see of breakdown of what to expect when you take a trip with us, and how to post a trip.


Register for a GayOutdoors membership. Membership is free. As a guest member you'll get the following benefits:

  • - Browse and search for other outdoorzy guys specific by state, zip code, country, activity, fitness level, age, etc.

  • - Create your own Buddies List, where you can keep track of your outdoorzy buddies and send them all an email inviting them exclusively to a trip or event you are organizing.

  • - Instant email notifications and reminders for any trips/events posted near where you live.

  • - Posting/Registering for any of our free trips in our Events Calendar.

Become A Guest Member>>

Once you've become a guest member you'll have the option to become a sustaining member to obtain additional benefits.

Sustaining Membership Benefits>>


Sign Up for FREE GayOutdoors Trips
As a member, you can sign up for any FREE trip in our calendar, no matter where you live. Space in all trips is limited, most trips fill up well in advance.

Before You Sign Up

It is essential that you have reviewed the trip details [or asked questions about what you don't understand about it] before you go to make sure you can complete the trip safely. You must also be prepared with appropriate gear, food, water, or whatever the trip calls out for. If you aren't sure about something, ask the trip leader, ask a question in the comment box on the trip page, do a little research on the internet or perhaps in a trail book [readily available at bookstores all over the place].

Signing Up Is Easy

All you need to do to sign up for something is select your mode of transportation using the drop-down box, make any comments if you wish, click on the "Click Here To Sign Up" button and then show up. For trips involving payment, there may be additional instructions, such as sending in some money, making a reservation, etc. The instructions will be outlined in the trip description.

Find Someone To Carpool With

The trip page lists members who have signed up and where they live so you can find someone to carpool with. Members are happy to do so.

Take A Trip With Us>>>


Prepare for your trip.
While you dream about your upcoming adventure, keep a few things in mind as you prepare for your trip.

Gear Up

Having the proper clothing and gear is essential. To help you gear up refer to our:

Hiking Gear List>>>>

Camping Gear List>>

Check Your Email

The trip leader will send important trip announcements in the days leading up to the trip.

If You Can't Make It

Log-in, go to the activity details page you signed up for, and click on the link [on the upper right hand side] that says "Cancel My Participation."

Note: If you decide you can't make it, please remember to do this. It will allow another Club member to take your place.


Relax and have fun!
The trip leader has taken care of all the details. You've got a fun-loving itinerary ready and waiting: all you need to do is show up and enjoy yourself.

If You Are Not Comfortable During The Trip

First and foremost, your safety on the adventure is the most important thing. If you don't feel comfortable in any situation, tell the guys there you won't be heading out with them. It's OK. GOers are fun, outgoing, humorous, interesting, friendly, considerate ~ and then some ~ and it's everyone's intent to create a safe and comfortable environment for those attending trips. But always put your safety and comfort first, and always use your common sense.

If you discover the trip is too much for you, turn around. Do not push yourself, as you will endanger your safety as well as the safety of others.

The Focus Is On The Fun

We plan our trips with the focus on the sheer fun of outdoor adventure. There's nothing better than being on an adventure with us!

Check Out Out Trip Reports>>


Connect with other GOers.
Guys join GayOutdoors to meet other outdoorzy guys. We're devoted to building life-long friendships both during and after trips. Connect with the other GOers ~ both before and after a trip ~ in a few fun ways.

Social Events Members post Social Events to meet other GOers. Members [that means you!] regularly post gay bar meet ups, holiday parties, potlucks, cook outs, bonfires to meet the outdoorzy guys who you'll be enjoying adventures with. Reconnect with existing friends and the new friends you've made recently through GayOutdoors. It's a come-as-you-are, relaxed event, and it's the perfect way to check out GayOutdoors and get a good sense of what we're all about. After many trips, participants will get together for a celebratory meal. Members post potlucks or bonfire social events for members to get together. GO Gatherings, are summer camping weekends with a big turnout, where we hike, paddle, swim, etc.; with campfires each night and a Saturday night potluck. Avalanche is our most popular social event where we meet at a local gay bar. We get involved with Pride Events by running "Pride Hikes", manning a table, marching in a parade and hosting pride parties. Our social events are open to everyone, however some will be restricted to our sustaining members who financially support us.

You can search for other members who live near you. Ask them to be your buddy and appear on your list. Contact them to plan a GO group trip together or do your own adventure together.


Check out our Trips/Events Calendar and find an activity you'd like to do. Sign-up, show up and enjoy. Every trip has its own page listing every member who is participating. Find a member to carpool with you. Post a trip report or upload the photos you took on the trip. Post your thoughts about the trip under What Members Are Saying About This Activity. Send an email to other participants to meet up afterwards.


Post A Trip.
GO really is nothing more or less than the sum of the energy and enthusiasm that all of our individual members contribute - the greater and broader that energy, the greater and broader will be the enjoyment that we derive from GO. By injecting your own involvement and enthusiasm, you will be contributing directly in that formula.

In addition to seconding your personal goal of participating in a GO trip sometime soon, another thing to consider doing is to actually organize and post a GO trip yourself, in your area. Whether it's hiking, cross-country skiing, backpacking, camping, social events, swimming hole excursions, kayaking/canoeing, city walks/strolls or something else, there are many GO members in your area who might be interested in meeting and joining you. Once you post a trip members nearby are sent an email providing them all the details and inviting them to join you. And it will appear on our website. After you post the trip, you'll be able to edit the details of the trip, contact all participants in one email, and manage the active/waiting lists.

As you likely would surmise on your own, the key to a rich calendar lies with those first few people who are able to step out in front and get the ball rolling in their area. To get a further perspective on the in's and out's of organizing a trip, click here for some help or read the questions/answers in our FAQ next time you have a moment.

If you are unsure about interest in a particular trip you are thinking of doing, then post a trip idea to gauge interest and obtain comments from members regarding dates/itinerary. Once you've filled in the details with the help of other members then post it as an official trip on the website.

Will you always have a full trip? Will lots of guys always sign up? No, not always. However did you have a great time when you went? Did members have wonderful experiences? Quality is more important than quantity. Keep posting trips with consistency and eventually you'll begin to establish a core group. The more you lead trips, the more you'll begin to establish a solid core group!

GayOutdoors has a 25 year legacy of being the premier outdoor network for gay and gay friendly men in New England with a national reach. We are transforming lives, building a community and promoting visibility through outdoor recreation for gay and gay friendly men. We invite you to join us on our events, to post events for other members to join you and to share your adventure photos, stories and advice.