You are getting this message either because you were trying to access something restricted to sustaining members or you wish to upgrade to a sustaining membership.
All sustaining memberships are used for member parties, raffle prizes, discounts, website maintenance, communication tools plus any other fun thing we can dream up! To maintain activities and programs, we depend on our Sustaining Members, our main source of operating funds. GayOutdoors has no paid staff - your entire membership is used to support our projects, programs and website. We appreciate your generosity to help continue our mission - together - transforming lives, building a community, and promoting visibility through outdoor recreation for gay and gay friendly men in New England. Many members support us because it's the right thing to do...they want us to continue to do what we are doing for the gay community. A Sustaining Membership goes directly to:
As a sustaining member, you’ll now have unrestricted access to our website and the ability to contact your fellow members:
Upon request, we'll ship to you our stylin' GO Member Tag. Clip in on your pack or jacket. It's yours for becoming a sustaining member.
If you believe all of us should enjoy the great outdoors in a safe, comfortable atmosphere, they please support us. Working together, our supporters have achieved an impressive record of accomplishments the past 25 years. GayOutdoors makes a difference to the lives of so many gay and gay friendly men. Thank you so much for your continued support!
Note: The sustaining membership is applied as soon as transaction is approved by PayPal. This may take up to one hour.