about us

board of directors

The Board of Directors are volunteers who devote a great deal of their time and energy to the organization. This includes organizing activities/social events, membership growth, finance, communications/social media, website development, trail maintenance, land conservation, outdoor directory, strategic planning and setting policies.

We are always interested in having more Sustaining Members join our Board of Directors. If you are a Sustaining Member, would like to ensure the continued success of our group and give back in some way, then consider joining our Board of Directors. We periodically have Zoom meetings along with regular email correspondence. If interested, Contact Us.

Below is a list of our Committees for your to participate in:

  • Programs-Trips Committee: responsible for creating/running a variety of programs/trips to increase trip leadership and member participation, promote the programs/trips for maximum participation and increase the number of trip leaders.
  • Trail Maintenance Committee: responsible for maintaining our adopted trail in the White Mountains, Mt. Osceola, promote the events for maximum participation and help members get involved with adopting trails on behalf of GayOutdoors to promote our group in the greater hiking community.
  • Membership Committee: responsible for growing our guest and sustaining memberships.
  • Newsletter Committee: responsible for promoting the club, finding content to post of interest to members, share trips and trip reports posted on the website in our monthly e-newsletter, Trail Mail.
  • Website Committee: is responsible for maintaining and regularly updating the club’s website, respond to inquiries on our email account and trouble shoot issues such login; and be the liaison with our website host provider to resolve web issues and make further improvements. Responsible to post on our social media pages: Facebook and Instagram.

If interested, Contact Us.

Below are our Our Board of Directors/Officers:

Mike Boisvert - Founder/ President/ Website Committee/ Strategic Planning/ Senior Trip Leader
Jon Normand - Secretary/ Trail Maintenance Committee/ Trip Leader
Thad DeFaux - Treasurer/ Trip Leader
Bob Groth - Social Media Editor/ Trip Leader
Jon Tanguay - Adventure Director/ Trip Leader
Steve Lewis/ Website Committee
Nikos Valance/ Strategic Planning
Carl Baker/ Newsletter Editor/ Membership Committee/ Website Committee/ Programs/Trips Committee/ Strategic Planning/ Trip Leader
GayOutdoors has a 25 year legacy of being the premier outdoor network for gay and gay friendly men in New England with a national reach. We are transforming lives, building a community and promoting visibility through outdoor recreation for gay and gay friendly men. We invite you to join us on our events, to post events for other members to join you and to share your adventure photos, stories and advice.