Check Out Our It Gets Better Video!

Wow. Since we've published our It Gets Better video, the response has been phenomenal. We are getting more views each and everyday! I'm strong enough to admit that I choked up a little watching it. GO members in the video share their fears about coming out, their turning point, and how a better future is just around the corner for teenagers who are being bullied because they are gay or their peers suspect that they are. Filmed in the great outdoors at Pawtuckaway State Park in New Hampshire with music by One Eskimo's Amazing, Brian Lamarsh put together a terrific video.

Brian created a unique and inspiring video and we are excited by the idea that it could get into circulation in many important ways. Elliot, one of the members in the video, shared it with his friends with the Unitarian Universalist Association, Caroline and Glen Turner. Glen is a retired Unitarian minister and former head of the northeast Unitarian Universalist district.

Caroline had this to say,"I hope this is available to young peoples' groups all over. I know the UUA would be extremely interested in having it available to include in their curriculum dealing with understanding one's sexuality. 'It Gets Better' is a wonderful project and I'm very happy, when that is appropriate, to send your video to some folks connected with the UUA and, also, in projects with GLBT teens in this area. The choice of being out of doors, hiking in nature is a wonderful venue to explore these difficult topics. And you do it in such an encouraging and affirming way. You show the "up-beatness" in your own lives, the fact that 'It Has Gotten Better for you.' What a great possibility, too, for teens to envision having a safe space to talk about these issues together."

So Caroline and Glenn are offering to make contact with the right folks so the video can be used in this way. We never imagined that the video would touch a chord with many people this quickly.

Frankly, we've been overwhelmed and humbled. And most importantly, we've been inspired that so many strangers care about our troubled gay teens. So to spread that inspiration in the new year, we are asking you to check out the video and share it with your friends and family today to help make sure it reaches all troubled gay teens so they will know that IT WILL GET BETTER in 2012. AND BE SURE TO LEAVE A COMMENT!

One of the things that I have learned along this amazing journey is how simple acts like sharing a video have a huge effect on people. We've already gotten so many comments from people who have seen the video and were moved so much by it that they want to help our troubled gay teens. Simply put, we can save lives.

It's why I am so excited about the GayOutdoors' It Gets Better video. We can prevent suicide among LGBT youth by conveying a message that their lives will improve with something as easy as hitting "share" on Facebook. Can you help us reach our troubled gay teens by sharing the video with your Facebook page right now?

Thanks for spreading this message this new year.

Mike Boisvert
GayOutdoors President

GayOutdoors has a 25 year legacy of being the premier outdoor network for gay and gay friendly men in New England with a national reach. We are transforming lives, building a community and promoting visibility through outdoor recreation for gay and gay friendly men. We invite you to join us on our events, to post events for other members to join you and to share your adventure photos, stories and advice.