Trip report

GO Adopted Trails Maintenance Day

Volunteering DATE: 05/28/2011 - 05/28/2011

Trip/Event Location: Waterville Valley, NH

Trip Leader(s): Gandalf , JDNnh

Max # People: 15

Trip Guiding / Event Fee: No, I will not be asking participants for money

Difficulty Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Join GayOutdoors for a day of trail work on its adopted trails - Smarts Brook and Drakes Brook! We will be cleaning water drainage, cutting back vegetation growing into the trail, and removing

Driving directions to the location and spot to meet at:

Please meet at my house for 8:00 am so we can distribute tools, split the group in two and arrange for carpooling.


Take I-93 and use Exit 28. At the end of the ramp take right onto Rte 49 East for 3.5 miles and take a left on Burbank Hill Road.

During this 3.5 miles, you'll pass a traffic light where there is a dam on your right, then pass a White Mountain National Forest campground and then see the William Tell Restaurant on your left. About a mile after the restaurant, you'll see Burbank Hill Road on the left (Goose Hollow Campground sign). If you cross the Mad River on the bridge, you just missed the left turn.

Take a left onto steep Burbank Hill Road and you’ll quickly reach the top of the hill where you take your first right onto Upper Mad River Road (Hiking Sign). The road will soon turn into gravel, you'll pass two apartments on your right and then a house. My property begins right after this house and after about 200 yards you’ll see a mailbox with "676" which is my house. The house is not very visible from the road.

Please park your car in the upper lot at my house and walk down the driveway.

Trip Report/Photos
Featured Photo

Carlos, Rick, Brian, Mark, Dave and Steve arrived at the house Friday night after 7pm. After getting settled in, we spent the evening in the living room discussing a multitude of topics including Hummingbirds, drinking & driving, and Steve & Dave's trip to Thailand. We went to bed around 11pm.

We woke up to coffee and bagels around 6:30am under overcast skies. Thankfully temperatures would be cool today with a high reaching 68. We made our lunches, took showers and got our packs ready for a day of trail maintenance on our adopted trails: Smarts and Drakes Brook. Chuck and Mike arrived at 8am. We handed out trail maintenance tools to everyone and split into two groups. Jon was taking one group to Drakes Brook trail while Mike would take the other to Smarts Brook trail. We left the house around 8:30am. Jon and Mike both wore their White Mountain National Forest T-Shirts. The black flies were out so everyone put on insect repellent.

Smarts Brook Trail Report

With the permission of the Forest Service, we were able to drive up the logging road section of Smarts Brook Trail that saved us almost three miles of walking if we had started from the parking lot. We are officially responsible for the section of trail that starts at the Wilderness Boundary however we usually start at the large clearing where the logging road turns into a real trail. 

Smarts Brook trail is the least used trail up Sandwich Dome, which I think is a pity. The logging road section that we drove over is the boring section. Once you get onto the trail there is a lot to enjoy! For roughly the first 4 miles the trail follows Smarts Brook fairly closely. The valley is wild and pleasant, full of cascades, and the trail is relatively easy. The footing is excellent most of the way. 

The first half mile or so up the Wilderness boundary there are many cut areas from previous logging. Up to the Smarts Brook crossing [about 2 miles from the clearing] we spent most of our time clipping back encroaching vegetation making their way onto the trail and removed a couple of blowdowns.

After this crossing the trail goes through an area with huge boulders, and the footing becomes rockier. It then leaves the valley for the ridge. Most of the trail to the ridge is a wide switchback with easy grades, but the first and last 100 vertical feet go straight up the fall line, the only two steep sections on the whole trip. After the huge boulders, we spent most of our time removing blowdowns...about eight of them. 

We did not meet anyone on the Smarts Brooks trail. Once on the ridge, Chuck, Mike and Mike went to Jennings Peak to catch the view. Once we got there we were in the fog but the breeze was very refreshing.

The trip down was easy, as the combination of moderate grades and good footing makes the descent a pleasure! We enjoyed the fruits of our labor with the trail completely cleared! 

Drakes Brook Trail Report

The "DRAKES TEAM"  consisted of Jon, Dave, Mark and Brian.  

After getting to the trailhead, a quick 10 minute walk up a logging road brought us to the right turn-off to Drakes.  Drakes Brook is a wide trail that starts off moderately for the first hour or so then at a sharp bend begins its steep pitch up the mountain.  Time spent on the lower section is very enjoyable with the sound of cascading water along with many blooming wild flowers this time of year.

There never was a dull moment.  The pruners and clippers were in use the entire time.  We all took turns clearing water bars with a very impressive looking sharp toothed fire rake.  At least 5 blow-downs were removed with our trusty bow saw.  It was a "TEAM EFFORT" with every one pitching in.

Just before noon we arrived at the ridgeline.  We left some tools to lighten the load then high-tailed it to Jennings Peak where we enjoyed magnificent views towards Sandwich Dome and Sachem Peak.  A wonderful sloped exposed granite slab made for an inviting seat to take it all in.  Naturally, we did some clipping on the summit as it was a bit overgrown and needed tidying up.

By 1pm we decided to head down - clipping, chatting, enjoying the company, fine day and fruits of our labor.

The Drakes Brook Trail is now in absolutely AMAZING shape!

Apres Trail Work Relaxation Party!

Back at the house, we took showers and relaxed on the deck enjoying Mojitos made by both Carlos and Dave. This is the real deal with fresh limes and mint! After a couple of rounds, Jon and I started getting ready for the Hiker Food Feast. Tonight, we served spaghetti with homemade meatballs, Chicken Marsala, Tossed Garden Salad, Homemade Garlic Bread from the oven, and Amaretto Strawberry/Blueberry Trifle with shaved Dark Chocolate. Nobody left the table hungry! Afterwards we enjoyed a roaring campfire capped by fireworks!

The next morning we served coffee with pancakes topped with fresh blueberries and NH Maply Syrup. Afterwards everyone left to enjoy their own adventures.

Gay Outdoors' members are AMAZING! It is rewarding work and our way of pitching in with the greater hiking community to keep our adopted trails in Waterville Valley, NH [Smarts and Drakes Brooks Trails] around for future generations. We are very thankful to have GO members who are passionate about maintaining trails. All the lodging and meals for this weekend was paid for by GayOutdoors.

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What Members Are Saying About This Trip/Event

  • Hats off to everybody! It was an AMAZING team effort of stewardship. Thanks for being so caring and involved as GO Members. We do make a difference! - JDNnh
  • Thanks again to Mike and Jon for a great weekend. And that apres work meal...omg...I'm still stuffed!!! - JPHiker
  • Thanks for a great weekend. The slideshow makes it look so fun and easy..... Once again a phenominal meal from Jon, and cuban classic mojitos from Carlos. - outsider

Members That Participated


Outdoor Fitness Level: Very Strenuous

Thornton, NH

United States


Outdoor Fitness Level: Very Strenuous

Thornton, NH

United States


Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Londonderry, NH

United States


Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Manchester, NH

United States


Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate

Lake Worth Beach, FL

United States

guest member

Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate

Methuen, MA

United States


Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Gilmanton IW, NH

United States


Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Gilmanton IW, NH

United States


Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous

hanover, MA

United States

JDNnh May 31, 2011 at 9:23 PM

Comment: Hats off to everybody! It was an AMAZING team effort of stewardship. Thanks for being so caring and involved as GO Members. We do make a difference!

JPHiker May 31, 2011 at 3:26 PM

Comment: Thanks again to Mike and Jon for a great weekend. And that apres work meal...omg...I'm still stuffed!!!

outsider May 30, 2011 at 8:27 PM

Comment: Thanks for a great weekend. The slideshow makes it look so fun and easy..... Once again a phenominal meal from Jon, and cuban classic mojitos from Carlos.

GayOutdoors has a 25 year legacy of being the premier outdoor network for gay and gay friendly men in New England with a national reach. We are transforming lives, building a community and promoting visibility through outdoor recreation for gay and gay friendly men. We invite you to join us on our events, to post events for other members to join you and to share your adventure photos, stories and advice.