Trip report

Mt. Osceola Winter Preview (New Date)

Hiking/Walk DATE: 12/05/2010 - 12/05/2010

Trip/Event Location: Lincoln, NH

Trip Leader(s): alex4mts

Max # People: 12

Trip Guiding / Event Fee: No, I will not be asking participants for money

Difficulty Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Second attempt - hopefully we'll catch the pre-winter weather right this time! After some GO holiday cheer the day before, come apply some of that stored energy to a great Sunday on Mt.
Driving directions to the location and spot to meet at:
The Mt. Osceola Trail trailhead we'll be starting from is on Tripoli Road (I-93 Exit 31). Head east on Tripoli Road for 7 miles, and you'll see the trailhead on your left, almost at Thornton Gap (the mountain pass that Tripoli Road climbs over).  If you crest Thornton Gap, you've gone a little too far. This is aproximately 1hr 20 mins from Concord, NH; 2 hrs 20 mins from Boston.

Trip Report/Photos
Featured Photo

On 'casing the joint' the night before, Alex was disappointed to discover that Tripoli Road was closed - meaning that we would need to approach the Osceolas from the north - and negotiate the mountain's steep eastern slopes in icy conditions.  Dave, Alex and Bob met at the Greeley Pond trailhead on the Kanc around 9:30, and had ourselves organized and geared up and underway by 10.  The weather was cloudy and in the 20s, but dry.

We began with bare boots, but when we got to some stream crossings with icy rocks, it was time for the microspikes.  Shortly after we left the Greeley Ponds Trail for the Mt. Osceola Trail, the climb began in earnest, steepening constantly.  On our way up the ridge, several stretches had frozen into steep sheets of smooth ice.  We very carefully mad sure of our footing before committing to each step.  The last of the pitches was severe enough in appearance, with such a daunting runout that we switched from microspikes to crampons.  A silver lining to the effort was the great view out over Osceola's eastern cliffs, and Mt. Kancamagus beyond.

Once we gained the ridge, we were into the teens for temperature.  Winds were light, however, and despite the clouds and mist, there was no precipitation.  The trees were covered in pretty rime ice.  Every now and then, it would sparkle in a bit of sunlight.  We reached East Osceola shortly after 1, enjoyed a snack, and made the main summit around 2:30.  The steep chimney between the two summits had all its usual interest, but actually was less icy and daunting than the last pitch up the eastern end of the ridge.  The summit area was beautifully painted with rime, and illuminated with a hazy sun, trying as best it could to break through the clouds.  After 15 minutes or so, we began the trip back, knowing that it would be after dark before we got back to our cars.

With all the ice, we took the descent slowly and carefully, and made it back to the cars before 6.  A really satisfying day: besides enjoying the whole gestalt of this day on Osceola, our intrepied group also got two winter 4's (or in Alex's case, two December 4's...)!  Thanks to Dave and Bob for joining me!

Addendum: THANKS to Alex and Dave for assisting my return to winter hiking (and lending a few key items!). There's nothing quite like the magic and beauty of a mountain winter landscape and a dose of hearty exercise. Bob     

  There are 16 photos in Album (Note: Move mouse pointer over larger pic and click on NEXT for better viewing)

What Members Are Saying About This Trip/Event

  • For the full slide show, go to and use the pop-up controls to go to full screen. Great day! - alex4mts

Members That Participated


Outdoor Fitness Level: Very Strenuous

Lexington, MA

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Weymouth, MA

United States
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