Profile Properties

  • Alex
  • Age: 69
  • Location: Lexington, MA, United States
  • Date Joined: December 07, 2007
  • Last Login: July 14, 2024
  • Relationship Status: Married
  • Looking For : Friends
  • Outdoor Fitness Level: Very Strenuous
  • Activities:
    • Backcountry Skiing
    • Backpacking
    • Biking - Mountain
    • Biking - Road
    • Climbing-Rock
    • Cross-Country Skiing
    • Hiking
    • Mountain Expeditions
    • Skiing
    • Sledding
    • Snowshoeing
    • Trail Maintenance

    • About me: : 5'11", 150. I seek like- minded, thoughtful friends of all ages who share my passion for hiking, alpine climbing, snowshoeing, all non-competitive forms of skiing, biking, and/or other active outdoor pursuits. Pretty adventurous and open-minded in general, and enjoy a range of intellectual, cultural and community interests. Often able to get out on weekdays.
    • Favorite Places: : Locations within striking distance of spectacular, challenging mountains.
    • Outdoor Experience: : Avid hiker, sometimes getting to full-fledged alpine work - technical routes, snow/ice, skis. Am a special fan of fast-paced, single-day 20+ mile traverses entailing lots of elevation gain (e.g., Presidential traverses, Pemi loops) - but that said, just about any mountain is a pleasure. I also enjoy off- trail map/compass bushwhacking. NH is my primary mountain playground, and I try to get out west at least once each year. I'm also a very active AMC trip leader in all seasons. I take special pleasure in sharing in the fun and splendor of the mountains with friends at all skill/experience levels.