Trip report

Mts. Jackson/Webster & Webster Cliff

Hiking/Walk DATE: 10/16/2010 - 10/16/2010

Trip/Event Location: Bartlett, NH

Trip Leader(s): Gandalf

Max # People: 15

Trip Guiding / Event Fee: No, I will not be asking participants for money

Difficulty Level: Strenuous

This is the longest and hardest but most scenic approach to Mt. Jackson [4052'], including a traverse of the spectacular Webster Cliffs and the summit of Mt. Webster, with numerous views over

Driving directions to the location and spot to meet at:

This is a point-to-point hike so we need to spot cars before we begin. We will be meeting at the AMC Highland Center parking lot.

Coming from the West:

  • The Highland Center is about 8.4 miles east of the junction of Rt. 3 and Rt. 302.
  • The Highland Center will be on your right and we'll be driving a blue FJ Cruiser

Coming from the East:

  • Traveling from the east, the Highland Center is about 2.7 miles west of the Willey House on Rt. 302.
  • The Highland Center will be on your left and we'll be driving a blue FJ Cruiser

Trip Report/Photos
Featured Photo
Although the day did not turn out sunny as forecast, the hike was challenging & scenic. The summits of Webster & Jackson were covered with a light coating of fresh snow. The sleet & almost hurricane force winds on the summits & exposed areas kept things interesting.   
The group of 13 began the hike around 10am and did a quick ascent led by JT. Perhaps because of the unlucky number of hikers (13), the mountain claimed its first victim about half way up the mountain- Mike slipped on a wet sloping rock face & pulled a muscle. Mike decided that his injury would not allow him to continue & so he, Jon, Mark & Tom headed back down the mountain. We needed an "alpha male" to help the group complete the hike, so JT stepped up to the plate & did a great job! 
As we ascended the mountain, the wind picked up significantly &.the newly fallen snow was beautiful but wet, slushy, & slippery. (We only went about 1 mile/hour.) The traverse along Webster Cliffs, Mt Webster & Jackson was quite challenging!  It was very windy in exposed areas but not too cold (Mark was able to do the entire hike in shorts(!)).  We had a brief lunch after summiting Mt Webster.
Hiking down from Mt. Jackson (when we finally found the trail) was initially steep, exposed & icy but we were quickly able to get into the trees and out of the wind. The remainder of the hike was uneventful but very wet because the precipitation turned to light rain as we descended.  Some grey jays greeted us as we hiked out.
Most of the group headed over to Mike's for beers, a warm fire, and dinner.  Jon served herb & lemon marinated sautéed chicken (which was awesome!), cooked sausage, tossed salad & apple crisp.
Thanks Mike & Jon for organizing a terrific hike!  Mike- Hope you get better soon!

  There are 42 photos in Album (Note: Move mouse pointer over larger pic and click on NEXT for better viewing)

What Members Are Saying About This Trip/Event

  • The snow & blustery conditions made for a challenging & very scenic hike. Great group to hike with! Thanks to Mike & Jon for organizing it! - Bobcat
  • What a great hike on the mountain range known for the worst weather in the world! Wonder what the views look like. Jon, awesome grilled chicken!!! - WalkaboutBrian
  • Rain, sleet, wind and snow with our fearless leader taken out early on! With no fear the GO Crew regrouped and completed this challenging hike - nice job guys! - JDNnh
  • I second what Mike said, thanks to Brian and JT for getting us to the top. But more important, getting me down alive :)And thanks to JT for his patience. - HikerBiker
  • Thanks JT and Brian for taking the crew to the top! Wished I could have been with you after seeing these pictures! I am black/blue in lower addomen, upper left thigh and pen*s. Here's to a speedy recovery! - Gandalf

Members That Participated


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Outdoor Fitness Level: Very Strenuous

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