Trip report

Sprague Pond trail (NEW DATE)

Hiking/Walk DATE: 03/03/2018 - 03/03/2018

Trip/Event Location: Phippsburg, ME

Trip Leader(s): MO

Max # People: 12

Trip Guiding / Event Fee: No, I will not be asking participants for money

Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate

The Sprague Pond trail is located in Phippsburg Maine (Bath area).   The trail is approximately  5 miles – which (if the group would like)  we could expand the hike to 

Driving directions to the location and spot to meet at:

Driving directions (from Portland):
Take 295 north – take the Brunswick exit # 28

Turn left onto route 1 north (Mill St) – toward Bath

Take ME-209 south toward Phippsburg

In roughly 7 miles turn right on Basin Road (road turns to gravel)

In  ½ mile the parking area is on the left side (our meet up location)

(GPS:   43.799575,-69.846170)

Let’s arrange for carpooling from both the Portland and Bath area.


Trip Report/Photos
Featured Photo

I had a wonderful time! A great group of guys and a great location and an excellent group organizer. I hope the same group can do another hike soon



On March 3rd  the 9 of us headed out to conquer the Sprague Pond trail.  Nothing could stop us – neither unusually high winds nor high tides (actually the ocean was a good half mile away). 

We forged thru the wilderness (nicely marked, well laid out trails) for 5 – 6 miles.  We endured ice, snow, mud and even puddles.   We also encountered several "technical" water crossings (at least a few feet wide and no foot bridges).  WOW - we were invincible.

Once we made it to the pond, it was covered in snow and ice - dashing our hopes for a refreshing swim.  We finally made it back to signs of civilization (that being our cars).  During our journey we never encountered other hikers (frankly, if we had, we would have just intimidated them).

After our strenuous outdoor adventure we decided we needed a little nourishment (meaning beer and other alcoholic beverages). The 9 of us headed over to Sea Dog Brewery for a late lunch. 

The excitement did not end there however.  Apparently we had a few pool sharks in the group and they got into a heated game of pool – with the rest of us cheering them on.   Surprisingly, with all the commotion we were making, we did not get kicked out of the restaurant :)

It was a great day with a great group of guys.

We are all looking forward to future GO adventures.


1)  Peter has been nominated as the official group photographer (he takes really good pictures).

 2)  If, by chance, you like your burgers undercooked apparently Sea Dog Brewery is the place to go…..



  There are 30 photos in Album (Note: Move mouse pointer over larger pic and click on NEXT for better viewing)

Members That Participated


Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Lancaster, NH

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Somersworth, NH

United States
guest member

Outdoor Fitness Level: Easy to Moderate

Topsham, ME

United States
guest member

Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate

Westbrook , ME

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous

Stoddard, NH

United States
guest member

Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate

Portland, ME

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate

Dover, NH

United States
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