Trip report

Lonesome Lake Hike

Hiking/Walk DATE: 04/27/2014 - 04/27/2014

Trip/Event Location: Franconia NH, NH

Trip Leader(s): Cartman , snowsurfer

Max # People: 20

Trip Guiding / Event Fee: No, I will not be asking participants for money

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Join Don and myself on our annual hike to Lonesome Lake Hut. This is a great early spring warm up hike. The hike is about 3.5 miles with 1000 feet of elevation gain.  The trip starts out

Driving directions to the location and spot to meet at:

Lafayette Place Campground parking area is on the south bound side if I-93 (about 10 minutes north of Lincoln NH).  We'll be driving a green Mini-Cooper with a white roof.

Trip Report/Photos
Featured Photo

On Sunday April 27th Bob, Don, Tim and Chris hiked to Lonesome Lake Hut. This is an annual trip that Chris and Don lead the last weekend in April and you never know what sort of conditions you encounter along the way, and this year was no exception.

On the drive over from Vermont where we were staying we had heavy rain and expected the hike to be the same cold, wet and rainy. When we got to the trailhead at the Lafayette Place campground the rain had stopped and Bob and Tim were already there waiting for us. We waited a few minutes for the one additional person on the list, but he never showed. It was colder then Don thought (low 40’s) and Don was wearing shorts and discovered in all the clothes he packed for the weekend, he forgot to pack long hiking pants. He decided to brave it and hike in shorts.

The trail started out just a bit wet from the rain the night before, but after leaving the campground we encountered a little bit of snow on the trail. As we hike further up the lower half the trail the snow got deeper, slushy and icy in spots. We also noticed fresh snow on the trees, so it had snowed overnight. Now snow was all around us, if I didn’t know better I would think this was earlier in the season and not end of April. We continued to hike up to the hut and as we got closer to the lake we passed a large group of younger guys who said they had stayed at the hut overnight. They were all fit and in great shape. They mentioned they had a great time the night before at the hut. We all have no doubt that they did!  Considering the conditions we made great time getting up to the lake. We stopped twice for a water break and to admire the views that had passed us.

When we got to Lonesome Lake we discovered that it was completely covered in ice.  We proceeded on to the hut clockwise taking our time not to fall into the “quick snow” that was just off to the side of the hard pack snow. If you fell in you could in as deep as your waist, which of course I did once and with Bob’s help was able to get out and continue on with the hike. When we got to the hut it was only us and the caretaker, who had made double chocolate cookies the night before and offered them to us for half price. How could we refuse an offer like that? We relaxed at the hut, had snacks and took in the view. While we were at the hut it started snowing and before we left the sun actually came out for a very brief time, then started snowing again.

After our break to recharge and relax we continued around the lake along the snow covered planks, taking our time not to fall into the water. This time we all were successful. Prior to departing the hut Tim and Bob and put on their micro-spikes for the trip down, where as Chris and Don were wearing minimal footwear. We took it slower on the way down due to the slushy icy conditions.  When we got to the lower half the trail the snow had turned back into light rain.

When we got back to our cars we all headed into North Woodstock to Woodstock Inn and Brewery for lunch. It was Bob’s first time and got introduced to the GO tradition of eating there after hikes. The meal and company were both great.  Don and I look forward to leading this trip again next April and seeing what new and interesting adventure it will bring.

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Hiking, backpacking, camping or vacation adventures, GayOutdoors [GO] has been the LGBTQ outdoorzy community leader for the last 22 years. We are an informal group of diverse hiking enthusiasts in the United States with a shared love of the mountains who prefer hiking with friends. We invite you to join us on our hikes, to post hikes for other members to join you and to share your hiking photos, stories and advice.

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If you find it invigorating to hike along a mountain trail with friends not knowing what’s just around the corner, to get some fresh air, to stop and soak in the views on a summit, and to soak your feet in a mountain brook after a hike, give us a try!


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