Trip report

The Mission Pine Trail

Backpacking DATE: 03/22/2014 - 03/23/2014

Trip/Event Location: Los Angeles, CA

Trip Leader(s): CJDGO

Max # People: 6

Trip Guiding / Event Fee: No, I will not be asking participants for money

Difficulty Level: Strenuous

This will be a moderately strenuous backpack, covering 24 miles in two days over rugged terrain, including nearly 3,000' in elevation gain, so this trip is suitable only for experienced
Driving directions to the location and spot to meet at:
We’ll meet up to consolidate our carpool at the Camarillo Park-and-Ride (Pleasant Valley Road x US101) at 8:00am (SHARP!) on the morning of Saturday, March 21 in preparation for our 1.5-hour drive to the trailhead. L.A.-based hikers should plan on leaving L.A. no later than 7:00am.

Trip Report/Photos
Featured Photo

Blue skies, green hills, a gentle breeze, and sweeping views.  We've had such a warm, dry winter in Southern California this year, I had almost forgotten what springtime hiking felt like! We got just one good storm this whole winter, which dumped probably the majority of the year's rainfall in just 72 hours.  The result of that was both good and bad for hikers.  Good because it replenished dried-up backcountry water sources, but bad because it caused some mudslides on a nearby highway, which prevented us from accessing the trailhead for the hike we had been planning for several weeks.  But our Plan 'B' backup picked up the slack nicely.  We headed out to a remote corner of the San Rafael Wilderness, walking the famed "Mission Pine Trail" - which, in local legend, is the locale where Franciscan missionaries from Spain cut the timbers for the Santa Barbara mission in the early 1800s.  This ridgetop trail offered us far-ranging views north to the Sierra Madre Mountains and south to the distant Pacific. One of our party, Mark, has been on a mission of his own - to bag the hundred tallest peaks of Southern California - and this trip allowed him to tick off numbers 62 and 63 on his list, since our trail took us to the 6,182' summit of McKinley Mountain and the 6,593' summit of San Rafael Mountain, the second tallest peak in the Santa Barbara backcountry.

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Outdoor Fitness Level: Strenuous

Phoenix, AZ

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Very Strenuous

Los Angeles, CA

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Very Strenuous

Palm Springs / Los Angeles, CA

United States

Outdoor Fitness Level: Strenuous

Malibu, CA

United States
Hiking, backpacking, camping or vacation adventures, GayOutdoors [GO] has been the LGBTQ outdoorzy community leader for the last 22 years. We are an informal group of diverse hiking enthusiasts in the United States with a shared love of the mountains who prefer hiking with friends. We invite you to join us on our hikes, to post hikes for other members to join you and to share your hiking photos, stories and advice.

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If you find it invigorating to hike along a mountain trail with friends not knowing what’s just around the corner, to get some fresh air, to stop and soak in the views on a summit, and to soak your feet in a mountain brook after a hike, give us a try!


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