Trip report
The Kinsmans
Hiking/Walk DATE: 10/09/2011 - 10/09/2011
Trip/Event Location: Franconia, NH
Trip Leader(s):
Max # People: 15
Trip Guiding / Event Fee: No, I will not be asking participants for money
Difficulty Level: Strenuous
This is one of my favorite hikes, following water most of the way and passing the awesome Lonesome Lake and Kinsman Pond. This hike is rated strenuous and travels over about 11.6 miles, crossing 2
...We will meet at the Basin Parking Lot off I-93. This is just after I-93 becomes Franconia Notch Parkway (Where it goes down to one lane). Look for the sign indicating "The Basin". We will meet at 9 AM on Oct. 9th, at the upper/main section of the parking lot.
Trip Report/Photos
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