Trip/Event Location: Nantucket, MAUS
Trip Leader(s):
Max # People: 30
Trip Guiding / Event Fee: No, I will not be asking participants for money
Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate
The plan is to meet up at 12 to give time for people arriving on the 11am Boat to arrive and get a kayak ready. At 12:15pm or so we can start off and kayak through the harbor
Obviously you can’t drive to Nantucket so I will try and explain how to get here. You can fly, take the passenger ferry, or if the cost isn’t a problem, take the car ferry and bring your car. All of these are caught in Hyannis MA. Once you are on Nantucket, it’s extremely easy to catch a cab or walk to the location where we will meet. The address of the location is 78 Washington st, Nantucket MA. The location is a kayak rental place where you can rent your kayak and it’s also a nice beach you can take off from. If you want to call and reserve your kayak, the number to the place is 508-228-7499 and it’s called Sea Nantucket Kayak Rentals. They have a lot of kayaks but it doesn’t hurt to reserve one. If you want to bring your own kayak, the boats will carry it on for you but you have to get it from down town Nantucket to the meeting location which is not far but it may seem so if you are carrying a kayak. If you bring your own car, there is a public parking lot a very short distance from the meeting location
We started kayaking from the kayak rental place around 12:30. The weather was nice and sunny with a light wind that would make this trip more of a "moderate" trip but everyone, though they seemed challenged, kept up untill we reached the beach where we walked to the jetties and enjoyed a nice snack lunch. After a few stories and with our bellies full, we got back on our kayaks and headed back to shore winding through a few of the sailboats and houseboats in the harbour. The trip back was much easier and faster since the wind had calmed down slightly. After all the kayaking was done, we all got in a cab and headed to the other side of the island to miacomet beach, AKA, "the nude beach" where we proceeded to lay down and relax. Some slept, some ate, and a few actually took a dip in the water. It couldnt have been more perfect of a beach day. The sun made it warm, the slight breeze kept us cool, and the warm sand made perfect for a nap. After about 2 hours at the beach we all piled into a car and headed to shower at my house and after a quick shower we headed into town where we decided to have diner at " The Boat Slip". The restaurant was the perfect setting for a nice meal and a couple drinks for a few of us, while we shared more stories and joked around having a merry time. Shortly there after, most of the guys parted ways to catch the various formes of transportations that would take them back to the mainland, and then home. Overal the trip was, I believe, a success and cant wait to have another one in the near future. The weather was awesome and the group of guys even better!
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Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate
Outdoor Fitness Level: Easy to Moderate