
GayOutdoors Gathering at Fahnestock State Park: Warm Sun Welcomes GOers to New York

By Mike Boisvert.

It's the little things. Not having to drive from our campsite to start a hike. Having a few beers at our campsite with Appalachian Trail thru-hikers who started in Georgia. Well-blazed hiking trails. Park rangers that are not only cute, but sincerely friendly. There are numerous reasons why we liked our stay at Fahnestock State Park in New York, and when you visit, it's those little things that you notice...

Until you get into activities. Then, it's the big things. Like views in every direction, over the Hudson River, when hiking up nearby Breakneck Ridge or skirting various ponds on the Appalachian Trail on your way to a refreshing swim in Canopus Lake or hiking to large rock formations for views of the surrounding area.

The GOers who came to Fahnestock were up for a good time, with a whole group of adventurers who took in everything that Fahnestock had to offer. Meanwhile, the rest of us took a kayak trip on the Hudson River, big and wide, and happily paddled to see Bannerman’s Castle followed by a swim at Little Stony Point Beach.

Saturday night found ourselves having dinner at the Silver Spoon Restaurant, ordering drinks, laughing, and getting to know each other.

And by Saturday night around the campfire we’d realized something. These are the kind of people you just don't meet every day. The kind of people who help folks pitch their tents when they arrive just to be nice, who share their pot of coffee with others in the morning, who take extra care to ensure that everyone completes activities safely.  

Whether the gang was looking out for someone who was stressed out from every day life, sharing a 'coming out' story to encourage someone, or putting a cooler full of goodies for thru-hikers on the Appalachian Trail, we knew these were the kind of folks who we'd want to continue to get to know back in the city. That's the best part about GO trips, really: the people.  

As folks traded phone numbers, we thought through the highlights of our weekend, and the people we'd met, and realized that yeah... maybe it is the little things.

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GayOutdoors has a 25 year legacy of being the premier outdoor network for gay and gay friendly men in New England with a national reach. We are transforming lives, building a community and promoting visibility through outdoor recreation for gay and gay friendly men. We invite you to join us on our events, to post events for other members to join you and to share your adventure photos, stories and advice.