

There are no rules to read or applications to fill out in advance. All you have to do to participate is to identify a trip you like, call the trip leader for details (and to reserve a spot, if necessary), then go. That's all. There is a small per-trip fee, plus you'll be sharing expenses with the other participants.

Since there is no membership, you and your friends may attend one or many events without paying any annual dues. And although they are a gay and lesbian group, we put no restrictions on who may participate, apart from requesting that you be fit or experienced enough to complete the activity. In other words, your straight brother and your elderly (but spry) aunt and your friend from out-of-town are all welcome on their trips, provided they realize most participants will be gay.

You name it: day hikes; short, weekend and week-long cycling tours; camping; cabin trips; skydiving; rafting, sailing and canoeing; skiing and ice skating; etc. The list is limited only by the imagination of thier trip leaders. Who are their trip leaders? Anyone like you who proposes a trip and organizes it. They encourage participants to lead trips whenever they have the urge to try something new and adventurous, or when they aren't satisfied with the current offering.

They publish a monthly newsletter which informs you of all upcoming trips, events and activities with other groups. The subscription fee is $18 a year. They never sell or distribute the addresses of our subscribers to anyone, so your privacy is respected. You may obtain a sample newsletter by sending a request using via their web site. For more information, click on their click in the right margin.  

© 2002 GayOutdoors.com; All Rights Reserved.

GayOutdoors has a 25 year legacy of being the premier outdoor network for gay and gay friendly men in New England with a national reach. We are transforming lives, building a community and promoting visibility through outdoor recreation for gay and gay friendly men. We invite you to join us on our events, to post events for other members to join you and to share your adventure photos, stories and advice.