
Interview with Randy Dearborn

Tell us about your outdoors experience. How much do you like outdoor recreation?

I grew up in Tamworth, NH and we were always outside, in any weather, doing some type of activity.  I really enjoy getting outside for any type of activity in all four seasons.  

Are you in love with it? If so...when did you fall in love and where? 

I am in love with it!  I love being on top of mountains.  About 8 years ago a friend got me back into winter skiing and I had forgot how much fun it is.  Cannon Mountain in the spring.  There is no better place and yes I finally started to wear a helmet this year!

If you knew someone who was thinking of starting outdoor recreation, what advice would you give them?

Start small and explore your own interests.  Not every hike needs to be a 4000 footer in the Whites.  There are lots of local attractions in any area worth exploring. 

What was your first GO excursion? How did it turn out? What do you like about GayOutdoors?

My first GO hike was last spring when Jonathan Clark lead a large group of us around a local pond in Lincoln, MA  It turned out great and I liked the group of guys, everyone was very friendly.

Describe Masschusetts to our outdoorzy members who’ve never been there? Is there a lot to do if you are an outdoor enthusiast?

There is a lot to do in Mass, from the cities to the beaches, to estates managed by the Trustees.  I'm in NH for most of my mountain activities though.

What changes have you made to better our environment?

I'm always picking up things left behind by others - I hate to see litter in any form. 

What is your earliest outdoor adventure memory. Who did you go with?

It would have to be skiing at Mount Whittier in West Ossipee with my brothers and friends from town.  We all had seasons passes then.

What is your favorite thing to do a perfect summer day?

Hike a mountain. 

If you could spend the day on the trail with one person, living or dead, it would be…

One more day with my brother... 

What is your favorite post-hike meal?

An iced cold craft beer. 

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GayOutdoors has a 25 year legacy of being the premier outdoor network for gay and gay friendly men in New England with a national reach. We are transforming lives, building a community and promoting visibility through outdoor recreation for gay and gay friendly men. We invite you to join us on our events, to post events for other members to join you and to share your adventure photos, stories and advice.