
2013 GO Gatherings: What Fun Chemistry!

By Mike Boisvert.

What fun chemistry!

  • Take a whole bunch of gay outdoorzy guys and spend three months getting them all pumped up to spend a weekend doing what they love best.
  • Tubing in either the Pemigewasset River or Delaware River. 
  • Cannon Mountain Tram Hike.
  • Franconia Falls Hike and Swim.
  • PA/NJ GO Gathering Trip Report. along the Delaware River tubing and kayaking followed by a potluck. 
  • Laughter and great conversation.
  • Working on a group puzzle.
  • Friday night Wine/Cheese Blast and campfire..
  • Saturday night after the outdoor activities, getting together under a party tent eating unlimited food, sampling micro brews from all over, socializing around the campfire and watching fireworks.
  • Going outdoors and making new outdoor buddies.

I think I enjoyed this GO Gathering more than any of the others. Admittedly, this is fresh in mind but the preceding ones the past few years have been held in other parts of the country so I did not know that many people. I think having localized GO Gatherings for each state makes for a better time. 

Just the fact that we're still having GO Gatherings and having so much fun after all these years speaks for itself. 

I noticed a lot of new faces as well as a great many club and GO Gathering veterans. I take that as a sign of a healthy and vibrant community that is developing its own tradition and history while looking outward and evolving. 

I thought it was great that so many members rolled up their sleeves to run trips, helped out whenever they could and took everything down Sunday morning. I particulary enjoyed the Hungry Hiker BBQ Feast where the culinary outdoor talents of our members were in full display! I was just amazed how great all the dishes were...and this was put together in a campground. This rivaled any of the potlucks I've been that were cooked indoors! 

How many gay guys does it take to start a campfire? Well it doesn't help when you are using greenwood [hey, that's my last name in english...LOL]. But after lots of blowing, stroking, flaming, hand jobs, chanting and yes, moaning by various members, we finally got it going! Later in the evening we shot off a few fireworks that I think everyone enjoyed. We were going to shoot them from a car's hood but a member objected. What's up with that? LOL...

We had a fun and relaxing time. It was great to meet so many GOers from far away. Hope to see you on a trip real soon!

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GayOutdoors has a 25 year legacy of being the premier outdoor network for gay and gay friendly men in New England with a national reach. We are transforming lives, building a community and promoting visibility through outdoor recreation for gay and gay friendly men. We invite you to join us on our events, to post events for other members to join you and to share your adventure photos, stories and advice.