
Kevin C. Interview

What draws you to hiking and the greater outdoors in general?

Living in NH, the greater outdoors is an abundant playground just outside of my doorstep. I see the mountains, trees and bodies of water as sentient beings, just the same as humans & wild life. Tuning into the beauty and collective rhythms of the natural world is my way of staying grounded. I gravitate towards hiking because of its cyclical nature of begin-ascend-summit-descend-end (then do it again). I like the workout factor and it’s a form of moving meditation that works for me.

Why do you like GayOutdoors?

I like the fact that GO draws a specific group of quality, like-minded guys that share a similar template for an active & healthy lifestyle. The trip postings are a great way to discover trails, terrain & adventures that are unfamiliar and the site is a bounty of resource for all levels of outdoorsiness. As an alternative to other means of social networking, GO offers a safe & constructive way to make solid friendships and beyond. In just over a year I have met some of the greatest guys I’ve ever known.

What would members be most surprised to learn about you?

That I have unlocked several dormant strands of DNA in my body and discovered how to stop the aging process. :D

What was your first GO adventure? How did it turn out?

A winter hike up Mt Monadnock led by Brooks. My first large sized mountain in winter, it was cold, lots of snow, bright blue skies and I was in heaven. I had the pleasure of hiking with 5 super nice guys who embraced me into the club and from that point on I was hooked on winter hiking as well as GO.

Hikes/Adventures that should not be missed? 

Red rock hiking & mountain biking in Sedona, AZ. Totally different look, feel & vibe. I would recommend at least a week to get the most bang for the buck and have time to explore Oak Creek Canyon.

Best Outdoor Advice You Ever Got? 

Always carry a detailed trail map of where you’re at and increase hydration when your pee is green.

What is your favorite place in New Hampshire?

A toss up between the eastern side of the Kancamagus Highway and the Crawford Notch area.

What is your secret talent?

Other than ‘Jedi Mind Control’, I’d have to say I that make world class Mojitos. 

What is the worst outdoor adventure you ever had and why?

I can’t think of any really bad experiences, but hiking Mt Roberts in the pouring rain on a cold damp spring day, with no rain gear was unpleasant at best.

What is your most embarrasing moment?

I’d have to say just this past November when I missed the bypass on the Mt Percival trail and traveled almost 3 miles on the Crawford-Ridgepole trail, unknowingly and unitentionally tagging Mt Squam & Doublehead Mt before Markus caught up to reel me back. I still blame the whole thing on my dog Sonny. :D

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GayOutdoors has a 25 year legacy of being the premier outdoor network for gay and gay friendly men in New England with a national reach. We are transforming lives, building a community and promoting visibility through outdoor recreation for gay and gay friendly men. We invite you to join us on our events, to post events for other members to join you and to share your adventure photos, stories and advice.