
free guest membership

Become a member to the premier gay and gay friendly men's adventure club in New England! We're all about enjoying the outdoors and staying active. As a member you can volunteer to run an activity trip or join one at no cost. We love beginners, so don’t worry about any lack of experience.We offer year round activites include hiking, camping, backpacking, urban hikes, social parties, kayaking and more. Don’t have a car? Not to worry – you can arrange carpooling with one of our participants.

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Please set up your GayOutdoors profile with as much information as you can. The information will help other guys who are into the same activities as you to make contact. Couple profiles are NOT allowed. Everyone must register separately.

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GAY OUTDOORS is the world's largest gay and gay-friendly outdoorzy club. We host free, member guided social events and trips to best places in the USA. Outdoorzy men of all skill levels are invited to join in the adventure.
Become A Member

Become a member to adventure with us, receive trip invites and use our matchmaking program. Membership is free. Our members live all over the United States. Our home base in nestled in the scenic mountain village of Waterville Valley, NH''

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