Profile Properties

  • Michael
  • Age: 43
  • Location: New Orleans, LA, United States
  • Date Joined: February 28, 2010
  • Last Login: February 17, 2021
  • Relationship Status: Married
  • Looking For : Outdoor Buddies
  • Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate
  • Activities:
    • Adventure Vacations
    • Adventure/Nature Movies
    • Backpacking
    • Biking - Road
    • Camping-Tent/Car
    • Canoeing
    • Hiking
    • Kayaking-Calm Water
    • Mountain Expeditions
    • Orienteering
    • Outdoor Gear Expositions
    • Paddling Expeditions
    • Running
    • Social Gathering
    • Trail Maintenance
    • Trekking
    • Walking - Leisurely

    • About me: : I'm a regular guy I guess you'd say. I'm not the most buck-wild hippy but I do love being outdoors and communing with nature, hehe. I'm 5'9", 150 lbs, average build, unruly brown hair, brown eyes.
    • Favorite Places: : HHmm... good question. Well, one of my faves is Great Smoky Mountains National Park -most amazing place. I love mountains... but NOT in the winter (florida native... not a fan of winter). Also love creeks and rivers - swimming and canoeing,.. or just baskin in the sun.
    • Outdoor Experience: : Well I hike a lot.. the trails in the smokies can be a bit strenuous - but compared to some folks' experience, they might find them easy,, so it depends, I guess. I've been canoeing for years,, but you won't find me paddling through any crazy rapids or whitewater... I enjoy being alive too much to mess with that.