Profile Properties

  • John
  • Age: 66
  • Location: Upton, MA, United States
  • Date Joined: December 17, 2008
  • Last Login: July 12, 2024
  • Relationship Status: Married
  • Looking For : Outdoor Buddies
  • Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous
  • Activities:
    • Adventure Vacations
    • Backpacking
    • Beach Outings
    • Hiking
    • Kayaking-Sea
    • Snowshoeing
    • Social Gathering
    • Trekking

    • About me: : ...
    • Favorite Places: : White Mts NH, Maine islands, Grand Canyon, Sierras, Coyote Gulch (Utah), Yellowstone, Flagstaff Lake (Maine), South Island New Zealand, Nepal
    • Outdoor Experience: : I'm a 4 season hiker whose usual territory is the NH White Mts. Other favorite backpacking/hiking areas are the Grand Canyon (about 15 trips), southern Utah, the Sierras, Yellowstone, and Denali NP. I like sea kayaking, usually in Maine but I've also kayaked in the Everglades and in Fjordlands NP New Zealand.