Profile Properties

  • Jim
  • Age: 60
  • Location: Salem, MA, United States
  • Date Joined: June 17, 2020
  • Last Login: July 16, 2024
  • Relationship Status: Married
  • Looking For : Outdoor Buddies
  • Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate to Strenuous
  • Activities:
    • Beach Outings
    • Biking - Mountain
    • Camping-Tent/Car
    • Canoeing
    • Climbing-Rock
    • Cross-Country Skiing
    • Hiking
    • Ice Skating
    • Kayaking-Calm Water
    • Kayaking-Whitewater
    • Rafting
    • Sailing
    • Skiing
    • Skydiving
    • Social Gathering
    • Tennis

    • About me: : 5'8", 140, athletic, brown/blue, caucasian, vegetarian. Into most everything outdoors, and willing to try new things. Former leukemia researcher, now ecoactivist "working" with 350 Mass trying to figure out what approach is most effective to get legislators to address our climate crisis.
    • Favorite Places: : Southwest US desert. New England. Europe. Amazon.
    • Outdoor Experience: : hiking, camping, kayaking, biking, rollerblading, skiing (downhill and XC), iceskating, sledding, skydiving once, sailing once,. Intrigued by kiteboarding, hang gliding, parasailing, sailboarding.