Profile Properties

  • Mark
  • Age: 62
  • Location: Northampton, MA, United States
  • Date Joined: April 17, 2024
  • Last Login: July 08, 2024
  • Relationship Status: Married
  • Looking For : Outdoor Buddies
  • Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate
  • Activities:
    • Adventure Vacations
    • Camping-Tent/Car
    • Fishing-Deep Sea
    • Hiking
    • Kayaking-Calm Water
    • Kayaking-Sea
    • Rafting
    • Skiing
    • Snowshoeing
    • Soaking - River/Brook
    • Social Gathering
    • Trail Maintenance

    • About me: : Enjoy being outdoors as much as possible, mostly hiking, camping, naked river time, skiing, dog walking, snow shoeing. For work I help people buy/sell real estate. 5'9", 200lbs, dad bod, brown/blue, omnivor.
    • Favorite Places: : Western MA, VT, NH, ME, Provincetown, Palm Springs, Puerto Vallarta
    • Outdoor Experience: : Excellent skier, hiker, camper. Have a camper van, but also tent (car) camping. Enjoy kayaking (flat water). Would love to do more deep sea fishing, sailing, ocean boat rides. Enjoy being off-grid once in awhile.