Profile Properties


  • Chuck
  • Age: 56
  • Location: Manchester, NH, United States
  • Date Joined: September 10, 2016
  • Last Login: July 13, 2024
  • Relationship Status: Married
  • Looking For : Outdoor Buddies
  • Outdoor Fitness Level: Moderate
  • Activities:
    • Adventure Vacations
    • Adventure/Nature Movies
    • Biking - Road
    • Cross-Country Skiing
    • Hiking
    • Running
    • Skiing
    • Snowmobiling
    • Social Gathering
    • Walking - Leisurely

    • About me: : Looking for some downhill skiing buddies and others who like to hike or explore points of interest. I just moved to NH from CA recently.
    • Favorite Places: : US/CAN: Lake Tahoe, Mammoth, Coastal Maine, NYC, San Diego, Vancouver Abroad: Germany, Austria, Spain
    • Outdoor Experience: :