DATE: Jun 22, 2024 to Jun 22, 2024
LGBTQ Hike **POSTPONED** Easy Breakheart Res Hike

Meeting Time: 1:30 PM

Event Coordinator: ChrisL
Wakefield, MA

Max # People: 50

Trip Guiding / Event Fee: No, I will not be asking participants for money

Difficulty Level: Easy


**POSTPONED** My mother (who's 89) just got got out of the hospital and will need me around this weekend. I hope to reschedule for mid-July. I will try and email people before fully cancelling this.


This will be a co-event with Chiltern Mountian Clube (also LGBTQ), this will be an easy 2.5 mile hike at 1:30pm (late riser friendly) at the Breakheart Reservation North of Boston. We will enter at the *REAR* Hemlock Road entrance in Wakefield. The first 20% and last 30% will on paved fire roads (closed to traffic). Otherwise there are nice trails on the water's edge. If the trails are muddy, we can stay on the roads. From GAIA: Ascent 182', maximum elevation 173', and minimum elevation of 80'. Mostly in the woods/ shaded. Optional coffee afterwards. Anything more than a drizzle will cancel. As of now there's no rain date.

So there’s a beach towards the end we might do a short stop at. Swimming’s allowed *BUT* there's a catch - the water may be full of weeds (DCR sometimes clears them out, sometimes not). It’s safe to swim in, but it can be “weird”. (Although a couple people can clear out a section pretty easily.) If the lifeguards are there they clear them away at the shore but that’s about it. Changing facilities may not be available yet, so if you decide you might want to swim you’ll need to wear your suit for the hike or change in the woods.

Breakheart Reservation info (and pdf trail map) - 

Entering from the west we’ll go counterclockwise around Pierce Lake.

Any questions - be sure to message me.

Driving directions to the location and spot to meet at:

Google Maps/GPS - type in "Breakheart Reservation Wakefield Entrance" or 100 Hemlock Rd, Wakefield, MA. (At Northeast Metropolitan Voc Tech.) It's a short drive from both Rtes. 1 and I-95.

Note that there are two schools in the area. The Voc Tech is up Hemlock Road past the ball fields. Drive past the guard shack. You will see a big lot with the Voc Tech on the left. At the far end two stone pillars mark the entrance to the Reservation. Park anywhere (it’s free) and we’ll meet to the left of the pillars.

For reference, I’ve included a map with "F" denoting the front entrance and "R" indicating the rear/Wakefield entrance. You want the "R". (If you drive in and see a visitor's center you're at "F". Drive back out, turn right onto Lynn Fells Parkway, and right at the light onto Main Street. Go down a short bit and turn right at the Voc Tech sign (Hemlock Road.))

I'll  wear my beige Yosemite cap.